Burbank News


2021-2029 Burbank Housing Element Update

Burbank, CA (May 20, 2022) - The City of Burbank Community Development Department has prepared the 6th Cycle (2021-2029) draft Burbank Housing Element Update, along with State-required updates to the Safety Element and revisions to incorporate environmental justice goals, policies, and objectives throughout the Burbank2035 General Plan.

The latest update of the draft Burbank Housing Element Update is now available for public review at the following website: https://www.burbankhousingelement.com/

For more information and to participate in future public meetings regarding the (2021-2029) Burbank Housing Element Update, you can call the Project Planner, Shipra Rajesh, at 818-238-5250, email the Project Planner at: [email protected] or at [email protected]

Published on: May 20, 2021
09:10 AM