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Community Development 

We provide a wide variety of services to the public – including managing the physical development of the City, preserving residential neighborhoods, maintaining the overall transit programs within the city boundaries, developing housing programs to benefit low and moderate income persons, addressing homelessness, collecting business taxes, and reviewing building and safety plans. 

Our goal is to work together to build a safe, beautiful, and thriving community.



Building permits, building inspections, and code enforcement services

Business licenses, business taxes, and renewals

Economic development, business information and resources

Housing resources, federal grants, and homelessness services

Zoning information, planning entitlement applications, long-range planning projects, and historic preservation services

BurbankBus, Senior & Disabled bus, parking permits, and transportation planning

Location, Hours, & Contacts

Community Services Building
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502

8:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Community Development Director
Building Permits
(818) 238-5220
[email protected] 
Business License & Tax
(818) 238-5280
[email protected]
Code Enforcement
(Report a Code Violation)
(818) 238-5225
https://311.burbankca.gov/[email protected]
Economic Development
(818) 238-5180
[email protected]
Housing & Grants
(818) 238-5180

Parking Permits
(818) 238-5290

Planning Permits
(818) 238-5250
[email protected]
Real Estate
(818) 238-5180

Section 8
(818) 238-5160

(818) 238-5290

Community Development Events

Asset Publisher