Burbank News


Remember to Respond to the 2020 Census Before the September 30 Deadline

BURBANK, CA (August 14, 2020) – The City of Burbank reminds residents to complete the 2020 Census by the September 30 deadline and help shape our community’s future. An accurate count is essential because it ensures federal funding to more than 100 programs including Medicaid, Head Start and block grants for community mental health services.       

As of August 11, Burbank’s census response rate is 69.7 percent. Although this is ahead of California’s overall 64.8 percent response rate, it is still far behind Burbank’s goal of 100 percent participation.

Completing the census is private. Responses are protected by federal law, specifically Title 13 of the United States Code. They cannot be shared with any other government agencies or other entities, including your landlord.

Census forms can be completed online at my2020census.gov, by phone at 844-330-2020 or by mail if you receive a paper form.

About the 2020 Census

The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the nation’s population every 10 years. Census statistics are used to determine the number of seats each state holds in Congress and how much in federal funding is allocated to state and local communities for the next 10 years. Local government officials use the census to plan new schools and hospitals. Businesses use census data to decide where to build factories, offices and stores, which creates jobs. Real estate developers and city planners use the census to plan new homes and improve neighborhoods. Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality-of-life and consumer advocacy.


Published on: August 14, 2020
06:28 AM