Human Trafficking: Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if businesses do not comply with the requirements?
State law requires posting the notice and providing training to employees. Burbank has adopted a BMC that makes a failure to comply with the notice and/or training requirements subject to administrative fines.
Are home occupation businesses required to comply with the requirements?
If the business does not have a storefront, they are not required to post the signage. However, if the business has employees, training must be provided to employees. If a business has no employees and no store front, then neither need to be complied with.
What if our business does not have employees?
If a business has no employees but a store front, then training is not required but signage is.
Are we required to show the training video in the link provided?
Businesses are not required to use the specific video provided, however, the training covers all the required training information including:
1. The definition of Human Trafficking, including sex trafficking and labor trafficking;
2. Myths and misconceptions about Human Trafficking;
3. Physical and mental signs to be aware of that may indicate that Human Trafficking is occurring;
4. Guidance on how to identify individuals most at risk for Human Trafficking
5. Guidance on how to report Human Trafficking, including national hotlines (1-888-373-7888 and text line 233-733) and contact
information for local law enforcement agencies that an employee may use to make a confidential report; and
6. Protocols for reporting Human Trafficking when on the job.
What if the business is outside of the City?
Businesses based outside of the city are still subject to the state law. Any business with a license or permit to conduct business in the city is required to provide training where employees operate within the city.