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Burbank Economic Development Receives Two 2023 CALED Awards of Excellence
Burbank Economic Development Receives Two 2023 CALED Awards of Excellence
06/23/2023 12:46 AM

Burbank Police Department News Release: Stabbing Investigation Update
A man has been arrested for attempted murder following a late-night stabbing that left one person hospitalized in stable condition.
06/22/2023 08:12 AM

Burbank Police Department News Release: Stabbing Investigation
An investigation is underway following a late-night stabbing that has left one person hospitalized in stable condition.
06/21/2023 04:15 AM

Burbank PD Community Bulletin: Going to the Gym? Lock it or Lose it!
Are you a member of a local gym, or perhaps looking to start a membership? The Burbank Police Department has seen an uptick in theft from gym lockers while members are exercising, so we encourage the community to take steps to safeguard your valuables.
06/20/2023 06:22 AM

2023 Austin Cook Award for Outstanding Youth
On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 the Burbank City Council recognized Gemma Hernandez as the recipient of the 2023 Austin Cook Award for Outstanding Youth.
06/16/2023 08:09 AM

Press Release: City of Burbank Coordinates Disaster Response Training with American Red Cross
On Saturday, June 17, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the Parks and Recreation Department, in coordination with the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region and the San Gabriel/Pomona Valley Chapter, will conduct a Disaster Action Team and shelter response exercise in the City of Burbank.
06/15/2023 08:06 AM

June 27, 2023 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Renaming a Portion of San Fernando Boulevard between Keeler Street and Morgan Avenue to Rogers Place; Finding of CEQA Exemption (14 CCR §§ 15061(b)(3), 15301, 15302)
June 27, 2023 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Renaming a Portion of San Fernando Boulevard between Keeler Street and Morgan Avenue to Rogers Place; Finding of CEQA Exemption (14 CCR §§ 15061(b)(3), 15301, 15302)
06/15/2023 07:54 AM

June 27, 2023 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Renaming a Portion of Empire Avenue between Victory Place and Wilson Avenue to Estrella Way; Finding of CEQA Exemption (14 CCR §§ 15061(b)(3), 15301, 15302)
June 27, 2023 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Renaming a Portion of Empire Avenue between Victory Place and Wilson Avenue to Estrella Way; Finding of CEQA Exemption (14 CCR §§ 15061(b)(3), 15301, 15302)
06/15/2023 07:46 AM

July 18, 2023 - Appointment to Fill Vacancies on Various City of Burbank Boards, Commissions, and Committees
July 18, 2023 - Appointment to Fill Vacancies on Various City of Burbank Boards, Commissions, and Committees
06/15/2023 06:08 AM

Burbank Police Department Community Bulletin - Distraction Thefts
The Burbank Police Department has seen an uptick in distraction thefts primarily affecting the older adult community, which typically involves the theft of jewelry and wallets.
06/15/2023 05:46 AM
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