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Burbank Adopts an Uncodified Ordinance to Cap Commission Rates for Third-Party Food Delivery Services
The uncodified ordinance caps third party delivery fees to restaurants at 15% of the online purchase price and 5% for additional services.
04/01/2021 08:38 AM
Burbank City Council Extends Local Commercial Eviction Ordinance until June 30, 2021
The Burbank City Council approved extending the Local Commercial Eviction Ordinance in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
04/01/2021 08:37 AM
City of Burbank Continues to Be Disappointed in Tinhorn Flats’ Unlawful Actions
Tinhorn Flats continues to flagrantly ignore and violate Court orders to shut down restaurant operations.
04/01/2021 03:02 AM
Burbank Red Tags Tinhorn Flats Building for Life Safety Violations
A red tag means that the building has been identified as unsafe and may not be used or occupied.
03/31/2021 08:36 AM
City of Burbank Hires New Financial Services Director
Jennifer Becker to fill the position.
03/30/2021 12:24 AM
Burbank Rental Assistance Program – Application Period
The City of Burbank is committed to assisting renters impacted by COVID-19.
03/23/2021 03:21 AM
Burbank Named Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation
For the 44th consecutive year, the City of Burbank has been named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation.
03/23/2021 03:13 AM
Tinhorn Flats Continues to Violate Court Orders and Endanger Our Community
The City of Burbank removes court-authorized locks at Tinhorn Flats.
03/18/2021 03:19 AM
Los Angeles Superior Court Rules to Lock the Doors at Tin Horn Flats
Los Angeles Superior Court Rules to Lock the Doors at Tin Horn Flats
03/17/2021 03:18 AM
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