For more news stories from the Burbank Police Department, visit

Assemblymember Friedman Joins Burbank City Council to Announce $1.5 Million in Funding for McCambridge Pool Renovation
On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the Parks and Recreation Department (Department) held a check presentation ceremony from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
10/18/2023 02:11 AM

City of Burbank Announces Pilot Community Arts Grant Program
The Burbank Parks and Recreation Department, in collaboration with the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission, is pleased to announce a pilot arts grant program designed to support local artists and non-profit arts organizations, while actively engaging Burbank residents with diverse and outstanding cultural arts projects.
10/17/2023 05:50 AM

Burbank Police Department Awarded $190,000 Grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety
The Burbank Police Department was awarded a $190,000.00 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).
10/17/2023 03:48 AM

2023 City of Burbank Development Video and Economic Development Annual Report
Take an exclusive look at the thriving City of Burbank in the 2023 State of the City Development video.
10/16/2023 08:02 AM

City of Burbank Awarded $9.95 Million Grant to Build a Modern Central Library
The City of Burbank has been awarded a grant of $9.95 million from the CA State Library to fund a new, modern Central Library.
10/16/2023 03:34 AM

Fatal Traffic Collision Involving Pedestrian
A pedestrian from Burbank has died following a traffic collision with a motor vehicle.
10/11/2023 09:05 AM

October 17, 2023 Public Hearing: Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Title 10 of the Burbank Municipal Code Pertaining to the Development Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units in all Single-Family and Multi-Family Residential Zones, and on any Lots with Proposed or Existing Single-Family or Multi-Family Uses
Read the documents associated with this public hearing.
10/05/2023 06:55 AM

Fire Prevention Week
The Burbank Fire Department is teaming up with the NFPA to celebrate the 101st Anniversary of Fire Prevention Week from October 8 – October 14.
10/05/2023 01:51 AM

Burbank City Council Seeks Analysis of Alternative Council Election Processes
On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the Burbank City Council reviewed an ordinance to adopt a five-district map of Burbank for future City Council elections.
10/04/2023 08:21 AM
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