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March 12, 2021, UPDATE - Court Authorizes Electricity Disconnection for Tin Horn Flats
March 12, 2021, UPDATE - Court Authorizes Electricity Disconnection for Tin Horn Flats
03/12/2021 03:04 AM

Hey Burbank - Episode 1
The Public Information Office is excited to announce the launch of its news show, Hey Burbank!
03/11/2021 03:00 AM

L.A. County Announces Sector Safety Measures for Red Tier Re-Openings
L.A. County anticipates qualifying for additional re-openings.
03/11/2021 02:49 AM

Burbank Small Business Assistance Program Round Two
Applications open March 22, 2021, 8:00 a.m.
03/10/2021 01:22 AM

Officer Involved Shooting
An investigation is underway at the Quality Inn following an early morning officer involved shooting that has left one person dead.
03/08/2021 03:33 AM

UPDATE: City of Burbank Files Complaint Against Tin Horn Flats
UPDATE: City of Burbank Files Complaint Against Tin Horn Flats
03/02/2021 02:56 AM

Councilmember Schultz Appointed to SCAG's Economic and Human Development Committee
City of Burbank Councilmember Appointed to the Southern California Association of Governments’ Community, Economic and Human Development Committee
02/26/2021 08:17 AM

Reopening Youth and Adult Recreation Sports Safety Guidelines
Reopening Youth and Adult Recreation Sports Safety Guidelines
02/26/2021 08:14 AM

February 22, 2021 - Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 11-0000126 for “Tin Horn Flats Saloon/Bar and Grill”
Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 11-0000126 for Tinhorn Flats.
02/11/2021 03:02 AM
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