

For more news stories from the Burbank Police Department, visit

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May 15, 2020, COVID-19 Updates from Mayor Sharon Springer
May 15, 2020, COVID-19 Updates from Mayor Sharon Springer
05/15/2020 10:34 AM
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Burbank to Open Tennis and Pickleball Courts, Trails and Parks Update
Burbank to Open Tennis and Pickleball Courts, Trails and Parks Update
05/15/2020 08:37 AM
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05/13/2020 01:58 AM
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Ensuring Critical Communications for 13 Agencies Across Los Angeles County With Computer Aided Dispatch Upgrade
Ensuring Critical Communications for 13 Agencies Across Los Angeles County With Computer Aided Dispatch Upgrade
05/12/2020 03:49 AM
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May 8, 2020, COVID-19 Update from Mayor Sharon Springer
May 8, 2020, COVID-19 Update from Mayor Sharon Springer
05/08/2020 08:20 AM
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May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Vacation of a Public Service Easement at 733 N. Priscilla Lane and Finding of Categorical Exemption
May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Vacation of a Public Service Easement at 733 N. Priscilla Lane and Finding of Categorical Exemption
05/07/2020 09:30 AM
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May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Introduction of an Ordinance Approving Zone Text Amendment (Project No. 19-0006734 – to update the City’s Art in Public Places Ordinance)
May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Introduction of an Ordinance Approving Zone Text Amendment (Project No. 19-0006734 – to update the City’s Art in Public Places Ordinance)
05/07/2020 09:30 AM
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May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Vacation of a Public Service Easement at 528 S. Griffith Park Drive and Finding of Categorical Exemption
May 19, 2020 - Public Hearing - Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Vacation of a Public Service Easement at 528 S. Griffith Park Drive and Finding of Categorical Exemption
05/07/2020 09:00 AM
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Burbank to Open DeBell Golf Course and Trails
Burbank to Open DeBell Golf Course and Trails
05/07/2020 08:36 AM
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Street Closure at E. Verdugo Street/ S. Front St between Olive Ave.
Street Closure at E. Verdugo Street/ S. Front St between Olive Ave.
05/07/2020 07:58 AM

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