Employee Compensation & MOUs
Job Specifications, Salary Listings, MOUs, and Compensation Plan Resolutions are only valid through specific dates and are updated as quickly as possible after they are approved by the City Council.
Please contact the Management Services Department at (818) 238-5026 for specific information.
City Employees with Gross Earnings Greater than $100,000 Report
2024 2016
2023 2015
2022 2014*
2021 2013
2020 2012
2019 2011
2018 2010
2017 2009
City Council Gross Earnings Report
2024 2016
2023 2015
2022 2014*
2021 2013
2020 2012
2019 2011
2018 2010
2017 2009
Please note total pre-tax Gross Earnings includes all types of earnings, such as base pay, overtime pay, cafeteria plan contribution for purchase of medical insurance, payout of all remaining accumulated leave at time of separation from the City of Burbank (as allowed under MOUs and applicable Resolutions), and other pay and cash benefits. Other pay and cash benefits include:
- Differential Payments/Special Compensation for specific additional duties or certifications
- Working Out of Class payments
- Cash Benefits (such as, car allowance, mileage, professional development, rideshare incentive, tool allowance, uniform allowance, and wellness incentive)
- Imputed Income (the value of certain non-cash benefits that must be taxed per IRS regulations)
- Signing and retention pay
Beginning in 2016, the reports have accumulated leave payouts at time of separation as a separate category and the cafeteria plan as a separate category. Previously, these earnings were included in the other pay and cash benefits category.
*The 2014 reports include earnings of an additional pay period. This equates to 27 pay periods instead of the traditional 26 pay periods per year. The additional pay period occurs every 11 years.
A description of the employees' benefits can be found here.