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Plant for A Greener Burbank

Progress Bar

Goal Met! 500 Trees Planted
228 More
Trees Planted!
We are proud to announce that we have met our campaign goal! We are committed to planting more trees in Burbank and will continue our efforts. Join us!

For more information, please contact us at (818)-238-5300 or [email protected]

Burbank Water and Power (BWP) customers can request free shade trees for their home or business. Residents can select up to 3 trees and Burbank businesses can select up to 20 trees!

Grab a shovel and let’s join in planting trees in Burbank's beautiful parks.  Add your name to the volunteer list to be notified of upcoming opportunities.
plant for a greener burbank Videos

Plant for A Greener Burbank general description

With each tree planted, we are improving our homes and businesses, city parks, neighborhoods, and the overall Burbank community.

Join the campaign! Help us plant 500 trees throughout Burbank to improve our carbon footprint and reduce the impacts of global warming. 

The City has had a long-standing commitment to supporting a tree canopy that is healthy, diverse, and resilient. Trees provide many benefits, including:

  • Cleaning the air and providing oxygen

  • Saving energy and reducing energy costs

  • Beautifying our surroundings

  • Reducing stormwater runoff

  • Providing a habitat for wildlife and native species

  • Reducing noise pollution 

  • Keeping soils and pavement cool

  • Lowering daytime temperatures

  • Lowering stress levels

  • Providing other overall health benefits

The Plant for A Greener Burbank Initiative aims to add a minimum of 500 trees in Burbank’s parks, residences, businesses, and streets for the year 2021. Through the collaborative effort of Burbank Water and Power, Parks and Recreation, Community Development Department, and the Public Works Department, the Initiative is one of the City’s strategies to improve the community’s health and quality of life. In addition, the shared efforts align with the City’s 2035 General Plan and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. 

Please complete a Burbank Volunteer Program (BVP) Form prior to volunteering. Parents/Guardian must complete this for minors.