Landscape Services
Park maintenance is provided by the City's Landscape Services. This includes: implementing water conservation practices, maintaining park amenities (benches, picnic shelters, sports courts or fields, etc.), repairing and replacing drinking fountains, and maintaining irrigation at City parks and properties.
Additionally, Landscape staff are certified playground safety inspectors and state-certified pesticide applicators.
Services Provided
The City prides itself on maintaining its numerous ball fields to ensure safe play for all. Fields are mowed weekly and maintained by regular fertilization, aerification, slicing/spiking, verticutting, todpressing, overseeding, and turf/sod replacemement.
Volunteer groups have partnered with the City to install butterfly gardens in various parks to support biodiversity and habitat. Butterfly gardens promote pollination which are important to our ecosystem and agriculture. Additionally, butterfly gardens can increase butterfly populations in decline.
To find out more information please call (818) 238-5343.
To find out more information please call (818) 238-5343.
The Landscape Services Division oversees the Commemorative Tree and Bench Program. This program provides persons an opportunity to honor a loved one with the installation of a park bench or tree.
A nominal tax-deductible fee is associated with the installation.
A nominal tax-deductible fee is associated with the installation.
DIG Burbank is a volunteer program that invites community members to help keep City parks beautiful through litter clean-up, weeding, and planting. DIG days occur monthly and do not require previous registration or experience.
The City is committed to minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and incorporating ongoing recycling and resuse of landscape trimmings in an effort to conserve water and increase the function of natural soil development.
In 2017, the City Council approved the implementation of organic product use to control and maintain the growth of weeds through City parks and sports fields.
In 2017, the City Council approved the implementation of organic product use to control and maintain the growth of weeds through City parks and sports fields.