Affordable Housing in Burbank
The City of Burbank maximizes the use of its funding sources for affordable housing to improve neighborhoods and to address the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community.
These are some resources for affordable housing in Burbank.
Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC)
The Burbank Housing Corporation (BHC) is a local non-profit developer that owns and manages over 300 affordable housing units in Burbank. BHC’s mission is to preserve, rehabilitate and develop new affordable housing opportunities in Burbank and to provide a safe, service-enriched environment for residents in our communities. To learn more about the Burbank Housing Corporation, please visit their website at www.burbankhousingcorp.org.
As a private non-profit housing developer, BHC maintains its own waiting list. For more information on the current waiting list, unit availability, and/or eligibility criteria, please call BHC at (818) 559-2336 or view their Moderate Income Flyer (PDF)
BHC Family & Child Care Centers
The Burbank Housing Corporation manages two nationally accredited child development centers that provide both child care and pre-kindergarten programs. Both centers currently have openings in their pre-kindergarten classrooms.
Peter McGrath Child Development Center & Mary Alice O'Connor Family Center
Senior Housing
Through various development partnerships, the City of Burbank currently has 1,084 affordable senior housing units. Each complex maintains its own waiting list. For more information, please contact the property.
A downloadable list of "Affordable Senior Housing" has been included here for your use.
Waiting List Lottery at Wesley Tower - The application deadline is Monday, February 17th, at 4 PM.
If you have any questions. Please call (818) 843-5633
AB 987 – Affordability Covenants and Restrictions List
In accordance with the requirements of AB 987 passed by the California State Legislature, a worksheet describing existing, new, and substantially rehabilitated housing developed or otherwise assisted with monies from the former Redevelopment Agency’s Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund, including units counted to meet inclusionary and replacement housing obligations, is posted below for public review.
Please be aware that this is only a record of affordable housing that has been assisted with Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds; it is not a listing of currently available housing.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the launch of an exciting national Public Service Advertising campaign to promote the Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Homeowners are encouraged to visit MakingHomeAffordable.gov or call the Homeowner’s HOPE Hotline at (888) 995-HOPE (4673) to determine if they are eligible for the Program and to understand their options.
Homeownership Interest List
The Burbank Housing Authority maintains affordable units for resale to moderate income households.
275-375 N First Street – “First Street Village”
The First Street Village development is located at 275-375 N First Street, Burbank, CA 91502, along First Street just south of the Magnolia Blvd bridge. When complete, the development will include 275 residential units and 18,876 square feet of retail and commercial space distributed between three buildings. There will be 14 “micro” units (approximately 387-460 square feet in size) to be rented to income-eligible households that meet maximum occupancy standards. The first phase of the development, which will include 6 micro units, will be ready for occupancy in early 2023.
For more information on the units and to be added to the Interest List to request an application when available, please contact:
Alejandra Alvarez
Phone number: 818-726-3000
Email address: [email protected]