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Food Scrap Pail

Food Scrap Pail

We are offering a free kitchen pail* to make it easier to store your food scraps until your disposal collection day.  Use the pail to transport and empty the collected food and food-soiled paper into the green organics cart. Do not place the kitchen pail at the curb for collection.

*Burbank I.D. required; limit one pail per household. 

Where to Pick Up a Free Food Scrap Kitchen Pail: 

Upcoming Events: 

The Care and Feeding of Your Pail:

  • Read the "Food is NOT Trash" Guide (PDF)* for helpful tips on how to properly recycle organic material into the green organics cart. 
  • NO PLASTIC BAGS (even those marketed as “compostable”)
  • Remove all plastics including stickers, bindings, packaging, etc.
  • You can line your pail with a paper bag, paper towels/napkins, or newspaper 
  • Sprinkle baking soda in the pail to absorb odors; old spices can also be used as needed
  • Freeze food (when able), especially meat, until your green cart collection day
  • Rinse pail regularly with soapy water or place in dishwasher*
    • *Separate lid from pail to avoid warping 

Apartments may have a private hauler that requires compostable bags, so check with your property manager or waste hauler for their guidelines.